Wedding for two in Prague (Czech Republic)
A honeymoon is a great opportunity for lovers to enjoy Europe and each other. If you want to get perfect photos without public, you can start at dawn. It is very beautiful here. There are lots of attractions in the center and you can move from one part of the city to another without any difficulties.
If you want to get to the nearest castle you have to drive for an hour. Sunsets and nights are magical in Prague. When you stop while driving, you can have a warm meal. Local food is delicious.
Passing through the crowds of tourists on the Charles Bridge, we stopped for a bite at the Potrefene Huse. Making order we have forgotten that everything was from pork. We don’t eat pork. But being in the Czech Republic and not tasting local food is unforgivable. We tasted different kinds of beer, they were tasty. One was sweet the other was bit.
What can I say about the Prague Castle? It was very beautiful. My task was to study it, as there should be the wedding. It was really hard to climb there. Though, I was in sneakers. I don’t know how Russian girls wear heels here.
Near the Castle there is the Prague National Gallery. There held a cool exhibition called “Dialogue Opportunities”. There were exhibited Abramovich, Warhol, West, Haring and others.
Inside the Castle there was an Easter Fair. I was upset that couldn’t try local pastries as it included cinnamon. Until late we were walking and finally reached the Folk Theatre. It was very lovely. We visited one of the restaurants not far from the Kafka Museum. Food was delicious. Best of all I liked fried cheese and bruschetta.
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P.S Но всегда найдется тот, кто решит справить нужду под достопримечательностью. И смешно и неприятно)
P.P.S Чтобы познакомиться с мужчинами, девушкам явно надо ездить не в Италию, а в Прагу.